Simplest Enterprise Continuous Integration Solutions

Friday, February 26, 2010

Enterprise Architecture Practice 6 - How to do EA Impact Analysis in Casewise 3

- Meta Model Design:
1. Be familiar with Casewise Corpoate Modeler Suite through the Casewise online training of Draw Diagrams and Manage Models, and those Extensions & Models from Casewise website as well.
2. Out of the box POLDAT Object Types, Associations Types and Property Types, could not be deleted (This is the natural of Casewise), but could be rename (Casewise uses SCRPT_NAME handling behind the scene).
3. User Defined Object Types, some associated out of the box Property Types (i.e. Category, Description and etc) could not be deleted, but User Defined Property Types (i.e. Name_English, Description_English and etc) could be deleted.
4. Use out of the box or User Defined Association Types for the association, even hierarchy links used in the diagram (since hierarchy links only display on the digram, this is also why diagram also consider as a report).
5. Before creating an User Defined Object Type, always verify whether an existing Object Type with a User Defined Category could solve the problem as well. Taxonomic sense will be helpful.
6. Be familiar with Casewise Corporate Modeler Suite Report to feel Casewise dynamic one layer based, out of the box Reporting mechanism, which is a multi bi-dimensional information stems from a same Object Type.

Based on Casewise Corporate Modeler Suite dynamic one layer based, out of the box Reporting mechanism, and with more practice of this tools. Wondering somehow there should be a chain (To Be) existed somewhere ties all of those one layer based bi-dimensional information stems from a same Object Type together through (unlimited) indirect Association Types Chain and providing real multi-dimensional information for Impact Analysis.

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