Simplest Enterprise Continuous Integration Solutions

Saturday, October 16, 2010

BugZilla: BugZilla 3.0.6 Configuration

# configure BugZilla as administrator

# Parameters Link

Required Settings

            Maintainer: bugzilla@fedora12.local.lab
            Urlbase: http://fedora12.local.lab

Administrative Policies

            Allowbugdeletion: off -> on

User Authentication

            Requirelogin: off -> on
            Createemailregrexp: .* 

Bug Change Policies

            Letsubmitterchoosepriority: on -> off
            Letsubmitterchoosemilestone: on -> off
            Commentoncreate: off -> on
            Commentonreopen: off -> on

Bug fields

            Defaultpriority: P5 -> P3
            Defaultseverity: enhancement -> normal

Group Security

            Makeproductgroups: off -> on
            Useentrygroupdefault: off -> on


            Mail_delivert_method: Sendmail -> SMTP

Query Defaults

            Specific_search_allow_enpty_words: off -> on

User Matching

            Usemenuforusers: off -> on

Default Preferences Link

After changing a  bug

            Show next bug in my list -> Show the updated bug

Products Link

Field Value Link



# Custom Configuration 

# UNIT-TEST with comment template:

Add below code into bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/edit.html.tmpl  line 75

    /* Adds the Code Complete fields to the `comment' textarea */
  function codeComplete() {
      var codeCompleteText = "Solution Description  (component(s) modified: MAC,phyD, phy, etc):\n";

      codeCompleteText += "Affected files:\n";
      codeCompleteText += "Branch where fix is located:\n";
      codeCompleteText += "Root branch (Where did the above branch originate from?) and revision:\n";
      codeCompleteText += "Dependencies:\n";
      codeCompleteText += "Code reviewed by:\n";
      codeCompleteText += "How was the fix tested:\n";
      codeCompleteText += "List the test cases used and/or built:\n";
      codeCompleteText += "Were the new test case put under revision control:\n";
      codeCompleteText += "What criteria is there to conclude the original issue is fixed:\n";
      codeCompleteText += "Instructions to allow Testers to Verify:\n";

      /* <textarea id="comment"> */
      var textarea = document.getElementById('comment');
      textarea.value = codeCompleteText + textarea.value;


Change bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/knob.html.tmpl line 190

          onchange="document.changeform.knob[[% knum %]].checked=true; if (this.value == 'UNIT-TEST') {codeComplete();}">
Instead of
          onchange="document.changeform.knob[[% knum %]].checked=true">

# Creation with Comment template:

Change bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/create.html.tmpl line 463

         defaultcontent = "Product:\nVersion:\nHardware platform:\nHardware revision:\nPCT or Base Station:\nPCT or Base Station software version:\n\nOverview: More detailed restatement of summary.\n\nProduct Impact:\n\nSteps to Reproduce: Minimized, easy-to-follow steps that will trigger the bug. Include any special setup steps. What is the frequency of occurrence?\n\nActual Results: What the application did after performing the above steps.\n\nExpected Results: What the application should have done, were the bug not present.\n\nBuild Date & Platform: Date and platform of the build in which you first encountered the bug.\n\nAdditional Builds and Platforms: Whether or not the bug takes place on other platforms (or browsers, if applicable).\n\nAdditional Information: Any other useful information.\n\nDoes a work around exist for the problem? If so, include steps to work around.\n\nDo you have a proposed solution to the problem? If so, include the appropriate information.\n\nAttach logs and describe as appropriate:"
Instead of
         defaultcontent = defaultcontent

# Reassign to “ASSIGNED” instead of “NEW”

Change bugzilla/process_bug.cgi line 1182

Instead of

# Resolution FIXED with comment template:


Add below code into bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/edit.html.tmpl  line 97

    /* Adds the daily Regression fields to the `comment' textarea */
  function dailyRegression() {
      var dailyRegressionText = "Daily Regression Description:\n";

      dailyRegressionText += "Which daily build load did you test:\n";
      dailyRegressionText += "Daily build load compiled branch name and revision:\n";
      dailyRegressionText += "Dependencies:\n";
      dailyRegressionText += "How was the fix tested:\n";
      dailyRegressionText += "List the test cases used and/or built:\n";
      dailyRegressionText += "Were the new test case put under revision control:\n";
      dailyRegressionText += "What criteria is there to conclude the original issue is fixed:\n";
      dailyRegressionText += "Instructions to allow Testers to Verify:\n";

      /* <textarea id="comment"> */
      var textarea = document.getElementById('comment');
      textarea.value = dailyRegressionText + textarea.value;


Change bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/knob.html.tmpl line 190

        onchange="document.changeform.knob[[% knum %]].checked=true; if (this.value == 'UNIT-TEST') {codeComplete();}; if (this.value == 'FIXED') {dailyRegression();}">
Instead of
        onchange="document.changeform.knob[[% knum %]].checked=true; if (this.value == 'UNIT-TEST') {codeComplete();}">

# Custom fields







chgrp –R apache custom

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